
I guess I fell in love with fishing at about 5 years old. I wish I had more photos of those early times. I picked up my first fly rod at about 8 or 9 and been "struggling" with it for almost 50 years. When I'm not working I think about fishing... when I'm fly fishing the world is a beautiful place.  

I have been so lucky to fish in so many beautiful places; Alaska; Costa Rica, Mexico, Canada, Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, Tenesee, North Carolina,  Florida, Florida Keys, Ohio, and my home state (for now) NY. 

As you can see by the albums I have a passion for salt and fresh water fishing. My favorites include Tarpon and Steelhead but I will fish for just about anything I can catch on a fly rod. 

So here you are at this new-be fly shop on-line. One thing I can tell you is that I personally test all these products. I want every product we carry to be a great value and a great product. There is one important thing about my standards that my fly tyers know...I insist on quality hooks. I fish small flies for BIG fish and if that fly fails I will personally hold them accountable. We only use the best quality hooks on every fly made. In fact we use a heavy 2x on most of what you see for our trout and salmon flies. 

Fish On!
