
These guys will help you catch very big fish...

Recommended Fishing Guides

New York 

Captain Ken Strimple - Owner and opperator of Bayside Boat & Tackle and Let's Catch Fish

Drift boat and walking charters for Salmon, Steelhead, and Brown Trout.  Group charters for Perch, Pike and Bass on Irondequoit Bay



George Ortman - Wilderness guide for the adventure of a life time.

Camping - rafting 5-7 and 10 day custom trips 

King, Coho, Sockeye, Chum and Pink Salmon, Grayling, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Steelhead and more...

Captain Rob Schemmel - Florida gulf charters for sailfish, dolphin (mahi-mahi), snapper, grouper, tarpon, bonefish, and redfish

Great Harbor Cay - Bahamas 

Percy Darvile - Remote fishing for Bonefish, Barracuda, and Sharks 

Call the fly shop for contact information and introduction. (585) 224-8289 ask for Jim C.